Last month, I bought a new car that has lots of nice technology. The bit I like the most is the automatic back-up camera display. When I put the car in Reverse, the display area shows me a lovely wide-angle view from the back of the car.
This morning, after my customary Starbucks ritual of coffee and the New York Times, I got in the car to drive to the office. I started the car and the Tony Bennett iPod playlist I was listening to started to play. Got myself all buckled up and then put the car in reverse gear.
As expected, I had the wide-angle camera view, along with the title of the song that was playing: “Watch What Happens.”
I took a moment to enjoy that juxtaposition: Watch What Happens and the camera view. In that moment, a minor fender-bender occurred right behind me!
If I had not been told to Watch What Happens, that might have been me.
Thanks, Car. Thanks, Tony.
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