The song of the day for Sunday, March 3, 2013 is Undecided Blues.
About This Song
Undecided Blues is by Jimmy Rushing, who was not only a blues shouter, but also a jazz singer with the Count Basie Orchestra from 1935 to 1948. Mr. Rushing, whose father was a trumpter and mother a singer, was born in Oklahoma City in 1901 and died in 1972.
About This Version
I’ve been having trouble deciding about things, even the song of the day. So today’s song of the day is Undecided Blues from Playin’ With My Friends. This album was a revelation to me: Tony Bennett can really sing the blues.
Undecided Blues, as well as the full Playin’ With My Friends album, is available from iTunes.
As a Sunday treat, here’s Jimmy Rushing with the Count Basie Orchestra singing the Undecided Blues.