As The Zen Of Bennett moves into its general theatrical release, we’ll be providing links to news about the film, article and reviews, and previews of the film that are becoming available.
CNN Interview with Soledad O’Brien November 26
Women’s Wear Daily November 15
Huffington Post Interview October 26
BlogTalkRadio Live Interview with Tony Bennett October 24 3:00 PM ET October 23
Tony Bennett’s Facebook Page Constantly updated
Film Reviews
Ted Sarandos at Netflix November 14
Cinema Beach November 7
Los Angeles Times November 1
San Francisco Chronicle November 1
The New York Post October 25
The Epoch Times October 25
Variety October 24
New York Times October 23
Hollywood Reporter October 23
Entertainment Weekly. A nice article and some nice footage.
Interesting discussion with Steve Buscemi about Amy Winehouse (from the Q&A after the premiere at the IFC in New York)
The Zen of Bennett Q&A: Tony on Amy Winehouse from Zen of Bennett on Vimeo.