Bennett/Brubeck: The White House Sessions Live 1962 will be publicly available on May 28, 2013.

Great article from the Washington Post on this fine album.
Excellent article by Mark Myers from The Wall Street Journal: A Lost Improv from 1962 Resurfaces
The New York Times has a streaming preview of the album available here.
Creative Allies announces a poster contest for Bennett/Brubeck: The White House Sessions Live 1962 with a $500 prize and a copy of the CD.
Review from The Second Disc.
Review from the Denver Post.
Review from Nick DiRiso at Something Else! Reviews.
Review from the London Express.
Review and other news from the Sacramento Bee.
Review from Broadway World.
Reviews from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Vanity Fair says that Tony Bennett is Earth’s Coolest Cat. No argument here.
Tony Bennett will be appearing on CBS This Morning on Tuesday, May 28.
Update: The CBS This Morning story is excellent. “He is the epitome of cool.” You’ll get no argument from me.
Interview with Tony Bennett from the Atlanta Magazine about Bennett/Brubeck and his upcoming concert in Atlanta
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