April 25 North Charleston Performing Arts Center North Charleston, South Carolina
North Charleston Performing Arts Center Information
Enjoying one of the greatest of all time Tony Bennett in concert with my beautiful wife.
— James Wilson (@JRWPE) April 25, 2014
In the PAC tonight – @itstonybennett serenading a standing crowd! #NChasColiseumPAC pic.twitter.com/UYuZ5Z6k4c
— NorthChasColiseumPAC (@NChasColiseum) April 26, 2014
Tony Bennett live in Charleston. Soo excited!
— Mary Lewis (@maryfclewis) April 25, 2014
April 24 War Memorial Auditorium Greensboro, North Carolina
Greensboro Coliseum Complex Concert Information
Tony Bennett just dedicated a song to Lady Gaga. I love this man.
— Michele Martino (@MicheleMartino) April 25, 2014
Waiting for Tony Bennett to come out! Mom is so excited! — Trish (@Trishanduke) April 24, 2014
April 19 Merrill Auditorium Portland, Maine
Merrill Auditorium Box Office Information Portland Press Herald article Maine Sunday Telegram concert review Lewiston Sun Journal review
Break out the red lipstick, Tony Bennett in concert! — Nicole Orso (@PallyGirlNicole) April 19, 2014
Tony Bennett has been singing for 50 years and we’re glad to have him in Portland tonight! http://t.co/faJlnVn4ib — Waterfront Concerts (@wfconcerts) April 20, 2014
April 17 North Shore Music Theatre Beverly, Massachusetts
North Shore Music Theater Ticket Information Beverly Wicked Local concert review
Tony Bennett concert pic.twitter.com/S97nFERWvH — Jeff Bolduc (@bolducmusic) April 18, 2014
Going to see Tony Bennett — Jesse Manfre (@ManfreNumber2) April 17, 2014