The song of the day for Saturday, January 24, 2015 is “Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe.”
About This Song
“Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe” was written by Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg for the 1940 Broadway musical Cabin in the Sky, starring Ethel Waters and Dooley Wilson. The song was introduced by Ethel Waters, sung to her husband Joe, played by Dooley Wilson. The 1943 film version of Cabin in the Sky also featured Miss Waters with the role of Joe played by Eddie Anderson.
About This Version
Tony Bennett recorded “Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe” on his legendary (well, legendary to me) album Tony Sings For Two. Tony Bennett and Ralph Sharon went to the studio with a lot of sheet music and chose, arranged and recorded 19 songs at a single session! The results were an extraordinary album.
“Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe,” as well as Tony Sings For Two, is available from iTunes.
About Today
And, once again, it’s Saturday and that means a video. Here’s Ethel Waters singing today’s song to Dooley Wilson, from the 1943 film Cabin In The Sky:
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