The song of the day for Wednesday, February 4, 2015 is “Alright, Okay, You Win.”
About This Song
This song was written for the Count Basie Orchestra in 1955 by Maymie Watts and Sid Wyche. It was first recorded by the Basie Orchestra with their male vocalist, Joe Williams. In addition to the Bennett / Krall recording, this song has been recorded by Peggy Lee, Elvis Presley, Ella Fitzgerald and Bette Midler.
About This Version
Tony Bennett and Diana Krall recorded “Alright, Okay, You Win” in 2001 for Tony’s blues album: Playin’ With My Friends: Bennett Sings The Blues. The song was arranged by Rob Mathes and the album produced by Phil Ramone.
And if you think Tony Bennett can’t sing the blues, well, I suggest that you take some time to listen to this album.
About Today
Diana Krall released her latest album, Wallflower, on Tuesday of this week. Those of us at The Year of Tony Bennett are enjoying it immensely and highly recommend it to all.
“Alright, Okay, You Win,” as well as Playin’ With My Friends: Bennett Sings The Blues, is available from iTunes.
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