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An Appreciation of the Art and Music of Tony Bennett
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The Year of Tony Bennett would like to wish a very Happy New Year to all of our readers and to Tony Bennett; his family; everyone at RPM; his wonderful quartet of Lee Musiker, Harold Jones, Gray Sargent and Marshall Wood; and all Tony Bennett fans from all over the world. 2013 is going to be a wonderful year!
I was testing earlier today to resolve an issue with posts that contained apostrophes. I apologize for spamming your mailboxes. Good news: issue identified (if not yet completely resolved).
We just want to wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas. My Christmas wish came through today at about 1:00 this afternoon; we got our first visitor from the great state of Montana. Thanks to this visitor from Billings, our blog has been accessed by visitors from each of the United States of America. Thanks, Billings visitor!
We very much enjoyed programming the Twelve Days of Tony Bennett Christmas and promise to do it again next year.
We’ll leave you with one last Christmas image, Mr. Bennett’s painting for the American Cancer Society Christmas Card for 2010.