The song of the day for Sunday, May 17, 2015 is “You’re All The World To Me.”
About This Song
“You’re All The World To Me” was written for the 1951 MGM musical Royal Wedding by Burton Lane (music) and Alan Jay Lerner (lyrics).The film starred Fred Astaire. Astaire performed this song in one of the most famous shots in all of musical film: the dancing on the ceiling number.
About This Version
I really enjoy this recording of “You’re All The World To Me.” The arrangement, especially with the brushes on the drums, does a wonderful job of suggesting the danceability of the number. There is a wonderful airiness to his singing. The more I listen to Steppin’ Out, the more I love the album. Mr. Bennett also sang this song on his MTV Unplugged concert.
“You’re All The World To Me,” as well as Steppin’ Out, is available from iTunes.
Here is Fred Astaire singing and dancing to “You’re All The World To Me.”
For you film buffs, this video shows the mechanics of how this shot was accomplished:
The person who created this explanation explains it second-by-second on his website
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