The Year of Tony Bennett is grateful for many things this year.
I am grateful to our wonderful visitors. We’ve had visitors from every state in the union (except Vermont, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana) and the District of Columbia. We’ve had visitors from every continent, except Antarctica. Update: Welcome to our new reader from Minot, ND! Another update: Welcome to our new reader from Gillette, Wyoming! Yet another update: Welcome to our new reader from Burlington, Vermont!
I am grateful to the friends I’ve made who read the blog and offer their support. Tony Bennett fans are a great group of people.
I am grateful to WordPress for the technology that made it possible for me to create this blog.
I am grateful to Woo Themes for their design and their excellent support.
I am grateful to my colleagues at my day job. They support me in this endeavor every day and I could not do this without their understanding, encouragement and patience. Especially Pete, who listens to my ramblings during the day when I say things like “OMG … I just got a hit from Iran!”
I am grateful to Mr. Tony Bennett, who not only inspires me, but millions of people all over the world. By his example, he shows us truth and beauty in every thing he does as a performer, artist, author and humanitarian. He is a beacon of light in this world and I am very thankful that there are people like him who share and give so much to everyone.
I am profoundly grateful to my friend and co-blogger Lesley, who has shared this journey with me every step of the way. She is the one person in the world that I can call on the phone and say “You know, I’ve been listening to the Ellington album and I heard something in Sophisticated Lady that really blew me away …” and we can talk about that for hours. And have.
Have a wonderful day, everyone! And thank you. Very much.
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