Mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 25, 2012!
Tony Bennett on Twitter: "My duet with @MarcAnthony will be available next Tuesday! Get the details here: / Twitter"
My duet with @MarcAnthony will be available next Tuesday! Get the details here:
Marc Anthony on Twitter: "Enjoy the digital release of "For Once in my life" with my friend @itstonybennett September 25th / Twitter"
Enjoy the digital release of "For Once in my life" with my friend @itstonybennett September 25th
A special preview release of their duet from the upcoming Viva Duets album, For Once In My Life, will be available next Tuesday. And, a video made during their recording session, will be available the next day on Tony’s Vevo channel. You can view the trailer video for Viva Duets at the Vevo channel now.
Isn’t that a great photograph?
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